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We change and optimize the 25-year’s warranty of our products and ensure the quality of our door. You get a 25-year’s warranty card on Doors Fair. Doors Fair offers delivery with their own vehicle .
Doorsfair is one the best company in Bangladesh which has the most modern kiln-dry chamber, examined by Forest Research and Development Department. We manufacture doors and door frames with boiled and moisture free woods, seasoned in our chamber. Quality production is our first priority.
We have developed the seasoning chamber, which can bring the moisture content to 3% within 48 hours without degrading the quality of timber and other equipment are manufactured in our own facility. These machines are modern and accurate, and easy to maintain and operate.
Doorsfair is one the best company in Bangladesh which has the most modern kiln-dry chamber, examined by Forest Research and Development Department. We manufacture doors and door frames with boiled and moisture free woods, seasoned in our chamber. Quality production is our first priority.
We have developed the seasoning chamber and other equipment (used doors and frame manufacturing) at our own facility. These machines are modern and accurate. We Offer You 25 Year Warranty
Door’s Manufacturing
Doors fair is been manufacturing doors about 12+ years. Best service are Granted.
Modern Design Doors
Doors design are changing every time & doors fair are happy to bring the innovative design to you.
Latest technology
We are using our own technology to produce the best quality door and frame for you.